
Fire, walk with me

Onnistuin saamaan Päkän joulupatahuutiksesta upeita karneolitynnyreitä. Aikansa ne makailivat laatikossa inspiraatiota odotellen, mutta kun Jensku myi noita riipuksia, niin johan napsahti. Riipuksesta vaan värit mukaan ja valkoista kevennykseksi. Tämän nimeksi piti ensin tulla "Tiger Rag", mutta riipuskivi ei ollutkaan "tiger cherry" vaan "fire cherry". Rähmä. Jostain putkahti päähäni tuo nimi ja se sai kelvata. Myöhemmin muistin, mistä lause on kotoisin: Twin Peaksista (inhokkini). ,-)

I managed to buy these beautiful and BIG carnelian barrels from Päkä's Christmas Aid auction (money went to Salvation Army). For some time they were waiting for inspiration, but when Jensku sold these beautiful pendants, everything snapped to place. And some white to lighten up the dark carnelian. I was going to name this necklace "Tiger Rag" and take part to this month's theme (music), but I found out that the pendant was not "tiger cherry" but "fire cherry". Well, these things happen. Somewhere the new name dropped to my conciouseness and it just had to do. Much later I realised where the sentence was from: Twin Peaks. Oh my, and I didn't like the program. ,-)

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