Johan minua nyt hemmotellaan! En ollut silmiäni uskoa, kun postilaatikossa oli kaksi salaperäistä kuorta. Minun SuperSHY:ni on myös SuperSalaperäinen, sillä nämä kuoret tulivat ihan eri paikoista ja käsialakin näytti kummassakin erilaiselta. En käsitä enää ollenkaan... mutta en voisi olla onnellisempi!
********************Well, I am being pampered now, spoiled even! I couldn't quite believe my eyes, when I found not just one, but TWO mysterious envelopes in my mailbox! My SuperSecret Beader Friend is also Super Mysterious, because these envelopes came from different towns - and even the handwriting seemed very different. I just cannot understand this... but I couldn't be happier!
Ensimmäinen kuori kätki sisälleen Zelda Wisdom -kortin suloisella keijukaishauvalla ja mukavat terveiset. Lisäksi kaivoin valtavan pussillisen 4 mm:n Swarovski Jet-biconeja (mustia siis), sekä hopeisen sydämen ja meritähtiriipuksen. Aivan fantastista!
The first envelope carried a nice Zelda Wisdom -postcard with a cute (?) doggy fairy and nice wishes. I also found there a huge pouch full of 4 mm Swarovski bicones, Jet black, a silver heart charm and a starfish pendant, also in silver. Fantastic!
The other envelope revealed a real treasure! There was a humorous Bunny Suicides -postcard (note the tiny little ears inside the big olympic torch!), and my SSBF had found some japanese puzzles, which I will enjoy solving during some rainy summer day. She/he had also included the solutions, but tightly closed to an envelope, so I'll have no temptation of cheating. ,-) And the pearls then: black big delicas, unbelieveable beautiful agate coin, tiny garnet ovals, light pink Swarovski pearls, a toggle clasp in silver. And on top of everything, some light mauve assymmetrical Swarovski pearls, model 5826. How cute they are! I have such a marvellous SuperSBF!
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