
Simply Black

Kesäkausi sitten mennä vilahti, koruja ei montaa syntynyt. Nyt olen taas palaillut harrasteen pariin, useampiakin vaijerikoruja olen tehnyt kuin transsissa. Puutarhassa touhutessa on runsaasti aikaa rakennella ideoita varastossa olevista helmistä. ,-)

Ensimmäisenä uutuutena varsinainen retrokoru, mehukkaan painava "Simply Black". Fasettihiottuja mustia helmiä, keskellä yksi hervottoman iso ja siitä niskaa kohti pienentyen. Kaulakorun keskushelmi on 18 mm, seuraavat 16 mm ja pienimmät helmet lukon vieressä 12 mm. Korviksissa lisänä yksi musta swaro. Väleissä hopeanväriset 2 mm:n metallihelmet.

Oh my, it seems that I just speeded through the midsummer, without any serious beading. Now I have had some time to it again, thanks to some rainy days and darkening evenings. I have made wire jewellery like I was possessed, because it is such a quick way to get finished. During the summer, while working in our garden, I had plenty of time to create jewellery ideas in my mind. So, here we go again!

First of the new sets I present to You a real retro necklace, "Simply Black", which is nicely heavy and massive. It's made of faceted black beads and the middle bead is really gigantic, 18 mm. ,-) Next beads are 16 mm and so on; the smallest beads beside the clasp are 12 mm. Between the blacks there are 2 mm silver coloured metal beads.

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